Download The 5 Reasons

Why You Feel Trapped In a Dysfunctional Relationship

This is going to get you super clear on why you feel trapped.
It is very important to understand that there is nothing wrong with you
and that YOU have the power to take control over you life.

Consultations are offered in English and Spanish!

Meet The Author!

KT Sturgis
 My name is Keyty Sturgis. I am a Life Coach and Meditation Guide, founder of iHealthYoga LLC, a company dedicated to supporting people and communities in search of transformational tools that help them raise their awareness and open their consciousness to create and live a balanced and fulfilling life.
As a teacher I have interacted and learned from a lot of people of all ages, cultures, colors and gender. I have taught English as a foreign language, worked as an early childhood specialist, a cardio dance instructor and yoga teacher.
My training as a life coach and meditation guide, and my life experience with relationships are my greatest assets to successfully help you face your fears. I know what it is like to feel trapped in a dysfunctional relationship. I was emotionally and physically abused. After my first marriage I found myself again and again in relationships that did not match the one I wanted for myself. Through self-examination I did the internal work. 
I searched and researched all kinds of programs and tools until I finally uncovered the real me. I regained my power and I learned to love and honor the relationship I had with myself.
Today I am in a wonderful relationship. Challenges come and go but they are less as I am able to honor the values I have set for my life.
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